A suit that uses a sirens call to make others come towards it's latex pools, to sink with it into total submission. Beware mighty heroes and strike this foe down fast before you find yourself swimming with the fishes!
HP: 20
Defense: 10
Passive Ability: Stimulating Hold
- As long as the suit is med in legs, arms, and head, it will caress and tease the person inside of it, dealing 2 damage per turn.
- Latex Aquarium replaces this damage if the victim is inside it.
- If the suit KO's someone, the Suit will gain +2 to all effect rolls and keep fighting.
Passive Ability: Living Suit
- Once the suit has Torso, Legs, and Head bound at least Medium, the player is Wearing the suit. The Wearer may not attack their suit, only struggle with it.
- Attacks against a worn suit do half damage, since the attacker must hit carefully to not injure the wearer. [Round up]
Weakness: False suiting
- Others 'suited' by the Latex Aquarium become fully unsuited if there are no more 'living' Mermaid Suit's left.
Mermaid Tail
Melee Binding - Mermaid Tail (legs)
- Cannot be used if Leg Bindings already exist.
- To Hit and effect rolls are +1 for every other part of a Mermaid suit worn.
Effect Level
Bondage + 2
Bondage + 3
Bondage + 4
Bondage + 5
Mermaid Binder&Harness
Melee Binding - Mermaid Torso(torso/arms)
- Cannot be used if Torso Bindings already exist.
- To Hit and effect rolls are +1 for every other part of a Mermaid suit worn.
Effect Level
Bondage + 2
Bondage + 3
Bondage + 4
Bondage + 5
Mermaid Breathing Mask
Melee Binding - MerMask(head)
- Cannot be used if Head Bindings already exist.
Effect Level
Bondage + 2
Bondage + 3
Bondage + 4
Bondage + 5
Suit Envelopment
Spell Attack
- Only usable on existing bindings. On crit, add +2.
- +1d4 bondage levels to target location.
Latex Aquarium
Spell Attack
- Suit must be worn to be used.
- The Mermaid summons a Liquid Latex Aquarium for 1d3+1 turns around themselves.
- Inside of the Aquarium, the Mermaid gains +3 defense. On a miss of 6 or more, the attacker falls into the Aquarium.
- A victim may escape the Aquarium on a 10+, minus their arm or leg Mermaid Bondage level [whichever is lower].
- The suited player requires 15+ with no modifiers to escape. If escaped, the Mermaid will use her turn to try and climb back in, requiring a 13+, minus leg bondage levels.
- Another player may try to pull a victim out with a 9+, minus their own arm binding. Failing that roll by more than 5 causes the helper to fall in.
- If no one is inside the Aquarium for a full round, it fades away, and starts a 3 round cooldown.
- At the beginning of any player's turn in the Aquarium, deals 1d4 + a third[Round up] of their total Mermaid binding levels in damage.
- At the beginning of the Mermaid's turn, each player in the aquarium gains +1d4 Mermaid Bondage, GM placement.
- The GM may decide if suits will stay on their victims or give them up to the Aquarium.
Siren's Call
Spell Debuff
- Can only be done with head at Hard or higher
- The Mermaid sings a song to lure people under it's control and into the Aquarium.
- Does not affect the wearer.
- Any player who has Hard or higher Mermask Bondage and is affected by this ability immediately uses it as well.
- If Latex Aquarium is not active, the target can only be stunned instead.
- +1 to effect for caster's head bondage level over 5 (i.e. 8 would give +3)
- Reducing the Mermask Bondage below 3 will immediately cause any stunned players to recover.
- Players saved in this way do not gain the immunity below.
- Any players affected by this ability ignore its next usage.
Effect Level
No effect
Enter the Aquarium OR be stunned for 1 round.
Enter the Aquarium and Stunned for 1 round, OR stunned for 2 rounds.
Enter Aquarium and/or Stunned for 2 rounds.
Binding Effects
- These bindings do not stack from different monsters.
Mermaid Tail(Legs)
Effect Level
Hobbled ( None in Aquarium )
A large, floppy latex tail encases the poor persons feet! It's pretty odd to walk around in for sure! Far easier to swim with...
Hobbled ( None in Aquarium )
The tail starts to creep upwards, up towards one knees holding one's legs together! It's slowly getting harder to get around, more less stand on dry land!
Incapacitated/Filled ( Filled in Aquarium )
Now the latex tail goes up towards one's rear end and crotch, JUST stopping before both of them. It's nigh impossible to move about past weak wiggles and scuffles across the floor!
Incapacitated/Stimulated ( Stimulated in Aquarium )
At this point the tail fully swallows up the lower torso in a full latex binding! Stimulating sensations overtake one's crotch and rear end, making them wiggle around helplessly! At this point movements near gone outside of being in a tank...
Incapacitated/Stimulated/Immobilized ( Stimulated in Aquarium )
Now being a fish out of water, you don't feel at home on dry land, needing to go back towards an Aquarium to swim around in. It might be more limited then land, but you are far more free in it then out! Also on this final stage latex cuffs fuze and bind across different segments of the poor user's legs, sealing them up nearly permanently!
Mermaid Torso(Torso/Arms)
Effect Level
To start things out, latex belts wrap around one's chest in an 'X' pattern, binding one's arms towards the sides. It doesn't do too well of a job thought as lower arms are still free to act, and it's not THAT tight...
Arms now get pulled upwards across one's back as more belts are added! The tightness of these is starting to grow, making it a little hard to focus.
Now a thick layer of latex coats across the arm bindings, sealing them in a full on 'arm binder' with no locks or keys! The material's pretty stretchy too, not giving up much ground, and it's pretty tight as well!
At this point it's hard to improve on perfection, but they find a way annyhow! Another layer of belts, and then another coating to seal it up NICE and tight! Best hope that latex didn't seal right or breaking out of this isn't going to happen anytime soon!
You can't even count how many latex layers are between you and freedom now, and at this point you chances are stopped caring as well! Escape's long gone at this rate, perhaps it's just best to get adjusted to not having any arms and learning to love the tight latex embrace...
MerMask (Head)
Effect Level
A re-breather slaps across your lips, held in place by chances are nothing more but a latex strand. Trying to talk with this thing comes out garbled and wheezing. Best just get it off!
Muffled, Hazed
Ohhh~! Now the re-breather has a tight belt holding it across your mouth! It also seems to be making you slightly light headed breathing into it...
Gagged, Blinded, Tranced (Not Blinded in Aquarium)
Oh dear! Now a thick lens covers your eyes! It makes vision outside of your Aquarium rather foggy if not hard outright! Interesting enough you can see just fine and dandy inside of it. You also feel weaker, your voice is coming out odd in the re-breather too, words and sounds come out like music...
Hooded, Submissive (Gagged, Submissive in Aquarium)
Latex fully encases your head now in a skin tight binding. Your body shivers in your bondage as it feels far too good to wish to escape it, the re-breather's air supply drugging you into total submission. You just wish to swim and sing...
Hooded, Submissive
The tank feels so good, applying layer after layer of latex over your face, you can't even make out where your skin starts and the latex ends anymore. Yet it feels too good, loving the next application, singing your heart out towards others to share your gift onto them~