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Combat Struggling

Players should focus on battling, but if a persistent piece of restraint is really hindering them, they can try to break free.

  • Struggling: Players may struggle to deal 1d4+1 damage to a restraint. On a 1, the restraint takes no damage
  • Focused Struggle: By standing still and struggling, a player may deal 1d6 damage to a binding, and ignore any escape penalties. This bears the usual -2 to defense for not moving.

Helpless Struggling

Once a player is too bound to fight, that's when the real struggling begins! These actions become available once morale is 0, and remain available until a player decides to return to fighting status.

  • Desperate Struggling: Player struggles to deal 1d8+1 to restraints on them.
  • Thrash: Player struggles against all restraints at once, dealing 3d4 damage split evenly between all available restraints