Brute Force
- Fight two Elite Guards and Castle Guards equal to the size of the party on the way in!
- Winning allows the party to proceed and search the castle, though it is alerted and searching for you.
- If defeated, the party is thrown into the dungeon! Proceed with Prison Escape, but take a -5 to initial restraint roll!
Prison Escape
- The team is arrested intentionally and taken to the palace dungeon.
- Each player is stripped of all her weapons and clothing, and is bound in restraints that are determined by a roll of 1d20 against the table below.
Leather Restraint Chart
Effect Level
Either you're really scary, or your jailor is really kinky! 2d6 bondage on All, All locked
Shouldn't have kicked that guard in the shins! 1d8 bondage on Arms, 2d4 on Legs, Both locked
Maybe shouldn't have called that guard's mother that. 1d8 bondage on Arms, 2d4 Head, Both Locked
Guess the guard got tired of the obscene gestures 2d6 bondage on Arms, Arms locked
Cuffs and a harness, could be worse. 1d6 to Arms
Just cuffs for you this time 1d4 to arms
Your cooperation just gets you pushed in a cell, lucky enough
- Once they are bound, each player is locked in a cell, and lights are shut off
- Each player must try to escape their cell, rolling 1d20 minus their primary penalty [arms for Body, legs for Skill, head for Mind] , escaping on a 12+
- If nobody escapes, a volunteer player must tempt a guard in for some fun, giving them +1d6 bondage to two areas, but getting the party free.
Noble Deception
- Attempt to impersonate nobles from a neighboring country to gain access to the castle.
- In order to pull it off, disguises are worn, each player will wear an extremely elaborate dress. Due to the restrictive and volumnous dresses they must wear, each player receives +1d4 Dress Bondage to torso and legs.
- All weapons must be left behind to make the disguise work, and you will need to find something to use once you get inside.
- Each player must roll a 1d20 to determine how effectively they can deceive the castle guards. Success is on an 9+.
- If the whole party succeeds in their impersonation, they are able to pass into the castle and begin their search with the guards unalerted.
- If someone is discovered, an Escape Battle begins, as the party attempts to escape deeper into the castle away from the guards and mages.
- At the end of the battle, the party proceeds to searching the alerted castle with any bindings they received as a result of the battle.
Maid Employment
- Apply to become maids at the castle to gain access.
- Each player is supplied a maid uniform, that is for some reason very skimpy and revealing.
- As they are examined, the Maid Chief explains that all maids are required to be fitted with Collars of Obedience, which will compel the wearer to follow orders.
- Each player must decide whether to willingly submit, or resist this demand.
- Submit: Roll 1d5 and automatically receive a Collar of Obedience with that many levels
- Resist: A battle of wills against the Maid Chief commences! Roll 1d20, on a 11+, the chief backs down and allows the player to remain uncollared, but otherwise, the player is forced into an extra strength collar! (+5 Collar of Obedience)
- The party is now free to search the castle, and the guards are not alerted.
- The actions of this phase depend on how you entered the castle
Brute Force
- Each player gets 2 struggles
- Players are attacked by an Elite Guard and two Guards per player!
- Victory allows the party to continue on for the Knight's Quarters
- If defeated, the party is thrown into the dungeon! Proceed with Prison Escape, but at -5 to initial restraint roll!
Prison Escape
- The players search out the armory to get what they need to fight once again.
- The armory is guarded, however. The players will need to divert the guards away to sneak in
- The guards are equal in number to the party, and one of them will be an Elite Guard if there are four
- One player is chosen to be the diversion, running by the guards to get their attention.
- The diversion player rolls 1d10 minus leg penalties, and the guards roll 1d8 to chase, each turn.
- If the guard total exceeds the diversion's total, they will catch the player, adding 1d4 bondage to them per guard, each turn.
- Meanwhile the party tries to break into the armory, which involves them each rolling 1d6 minus arm penalties until their total exceeds 20.
- The armed players will have to deal with the guards on their return, whether the diversion got caught or not.
- If uncaught, the diversion player spends the first turn of combat gearing up in the armory, and cannot be attacked
- If caught, the guards will report to an Elite Guard, who joins the group of guards on their trip back to the Armory
Noble Deception
- The objective for each time period may be one of the following: Remove Dresses, Search for Weapons, Search for Royal Quarters
- One person rolls for the party to evade the castle maids and Maids, success on 6+ (if not alerted) or 11+ (if alerted)
- If failed, begin battle against one Maid(two if already alerted), and the castle is alerted
- After each time period the party may do two struggles each (one if alerted)
Remove Dresses
- The party searches for a way to free themselves from their dresses
- Players find a hidden blade in one of the rooms, and are able to cut themselves free from their dresses. Each player may remove 2 Levels of bondage from each location
Search for Weapons
- The party searches for weapons to use against their enemies
- Players find a weapon cache and retrieve their preferred weapon
Search for Royal Quarters
- The party searches for the main target of their quest
- Players find the royal quarters and may proceed there when the investigation phase is completed
Maid Employment
- Each time period has the players either doing work or searching.
- Players must search out their weapons, and then the Royal Quarters
- After four time periods are up, if the party has located the Royal Quarters, they go directly there
- If the party was unable to locate the Royal Quarters, they must continue to search. Maid Work becomes unavailable.
- The party has to keep up appearances and do some work.
- Each player rolls 1d8 to determine how much work they did.
- A player without a collar may choose to clean and leave the credit to the other player. They may add 1d10 to the player's roll, but also suffer the effects of a 1-2 if either player rolls it.
Cleaning Results Chart
Effect Level
While cleaning your assigned room, you knocked over several very expensive pieces of china, and the Maid Chief was furious! She had the guards hold you still while she replaced your obedience collar with a stronger one, adding +2 Levels to your Collar
You managed not to break anything, but you did such a dismal cleaning job that the Maid Chief had your collar strengthened by +1 Collar Level
Your cleaning job was acceptable, yet nothing amazing. The Maid Chief checks your work and sends you on your way.
You cleaned the room well, and did it in less than the allotted time. As a bit of encouragement, the Maid Chief lowers your collar's strength by a bit. -1 Collar Level!
The Maid Chief likes what she sees, praising you for a job well done. As a bonus, she allows the guards to change your collar for a weaker one, allowing you more independence. -2 Collar Levels!
The Maid Chief praises you on a job done quickly, efficiently, and spotlessly. In addition, she sees no reason such a good worker should be under control, and completely removes your collar!
Search for Weapons
- The party splits up to search for weapons to use against their enemies
- If successful, that player finds a weapon cache and retrieves their preferred weapon
- Players may search for other players' weapons, but take a -2 on their roll since they're not as familiar with it...
Search for Royal Quarters
- The party searches for the main target of their quest
- If successful, players find the royal quarters and may proceed there when the investigation phase is completed
- If an alert has been sounded, players may struggle twice between this phase and Investigation.
- If unalerted, players may struggle three times.
Knight's Quarters
- Entering via Brute Force or Prison Escape will have the party meet the Knight Captain and her personal guards in the Knight's Quarters
- The Knight Captain has Royal Knights equal to one less than the number of players
- The Knight Captain will pick out one player to toy with until their complete submission at a time.
- Being defeated by the Knight Captain turns them into her personal submissive toys...
Royal Quarters
- Entering as nobles or maids will have the party face off against the Maid Chief and the Princess's personal Retainers
- The Maid Chief has additional Retainers equal to one less than the number of players
- Defeating the Maid Chief allows the party to move into the Throne Room
- The Maid Chief holds the master keys to the castle's Collars of Obedience, players may struggle directly against their Collars after defeating the Maid Chief
- Being defeated by the Maid Chief has the party presented to the Princess helplessly trapped in their dresses...
Final Battle
Turns out the princess is really the head of the cult, and they've just completed a ritual to give her huge amounts of magical power over ribbons!
Throne Room
- Completing Confrontation provides each character with their weapons again.
- Each player gets 3 chances to struggle before the battle begins.
- When the party meets the Princess, she converts any remaining Leather or Dress bondage into Ribbon Bondage of an equal level
- Losing the battle with the Princess condemns the party to become the Princess's personal playthings...