Sticky Sap Bondage

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  • Sticky Sap tends to glue itself very firmly to its victims and is extremely difficult to remove: -3 Escape.
  • If you attempt to assist a sap-covered victim while you have any sap on you, and roll less than the sum of both of your Sap bondage levels, you become stuck together and Immobilized until one player is entirely free of Sticky Sap.
  • Abilities that automatically remove bindings are at half-strength against Sap.


Effect Level Statuses Description
Easy None Glistening sap smears your body, but has not affected your movements significantly.
Medium Encumbered, Bound The sap is starting to impair you; bits are sticking to yourself and the ground, making fighting clumsier and more tiring.
Hard Hobbled, Harnessed You are becoming thickly coated. Moving is becoming a real effort; each time your limbs touch one another or your body, it's a struggle to pull them back apart.
Extreme Hobbled, Harnessed, Obscured, Muffled You're covered from head to toe in thickening layers of the unrelenting mucilage, and it's getting hard to see or talk, much less move or escape!
Impossible Incapacitated, Mittened, Blinded, Gagged, Immobilized You are completely sheathed in the stuff; it's so thick you can't see through it. You're glued firmly to the floor or the plant, so helplessly stuck you can't move at all!