Latex Monster Strategy

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  • These monsters are mindless, predatory, single-focus automatons, and should be played as such, with the exception of the Rubbermage himself.

Latex Orb

  1. Latex Explosion on last player to attack the Orb if at 2 or less HP
  2. Latex Spray on last player who cast a spell, or made significant noise in RP.
  3. Latex Spray on last player to attack the orb.
  4. Idle if unattacked and no noises are made.

Latex Chaser

  1. SAC any helpless player if not hit on their turn
  2. Activate Shadow Dodge if not active
  3. Latex Pin a player if available
  4. Latex Spray a player who dodged a Pin.

Latex Golem

  1. Balloon Abduction any helpless player
  2. Latex Hug any player who attacked it in melee
  3. Latex Blast any player who interrupts a Hug
  4. Latex Pool a player who dodges a Hug
  5. Living Latex any non-helpless player who is struggling

Latex Rover

  1. Engulf any available player, prioritize immobilized
  2. Latex Jet a player if attack misses
  3. Latex Flood if the Rover has missed with two attacks in a row.
  4. Use Orb Kamikaze if 5 orbs active

Latex Core

  1. Tentacles will lash a player, and then attempt to coil that player on the following turn
  2. If one tentacle is unoccupied after the coil attempt, it uses Latex Fountain, while any others return to Lashing
  3. Core always shoots one Fountain, other action alternates between Fountain and Bubble.
  4. Every three turns, Ol' Submissive instead of Fountain
  5. Passively leash any players who are helpless. Attacks pause if all players are leashed